Monday, December 12, 2011

I Can SpotFix! - @Koramangala by Temple Cross Residents

A few residents of Koramangala 3rd Block decided to do their own Spotfix.
They asked for (and received) 30 tereBins from TUI, and then went about fixing the street in front of their homes to offer a suitable reception to the tereBins!!

TUI says this is their best birthday gift to date!

30 tereBins were whisked into Koramangala by residents concerned about the litter on the streets of 3rd Block. They are all installed and working away 24x7.

"To all those who have written in asking "What can I do on my street?" - well, THIS is what you can do! Just do it. Get a few brooms, some cans of paint and a 3-4 committed people, and the rest will follow. Don't waste time in meetings or forming groups. Just go to the hardware shop, buy the stuff and get down to it. Looking forward to more such examples of actual work done - send us pictures or videos and we will showcase it here and on Facebook." - TUI

Click here to know how you can adopt a TereBin!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

TUI in News-Tweet by Anand Mahindra

"Thanks for the sentiment, Mr Mahindra. However, TUI is about empowering the faceless anonymous citizen. Any awards or recognition would cripple the initiative. TUI's strength lies in its anonymity. It is an amazing high to go out and fix your own street with your own hands - the result is the reward. " ~ TUI

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

TUI's Inspiration ( One of Many)

TUI say that they were deeply inspired by how SR Rao cleaned up Surat in a matter of months.

His story is beautifully described in the book
'Making Breakthrough Innovation Happen' by Porus Munshi - How 11 Indians Pulled off the Impossible
Each of the stories is inpirational - but none as much as the Surat transformation (from the plague city to the country's second cleanest - in 18 months). It's a bit of a shame that story hasn't got more media attention and publicity. " - TUI

Listen to what breakthrough innovation expert, Porus Munshi, has to say about The Ugly Indian (an excerpt from the audio CD accompanying the book - "How 11 Indians Pulled off the Impossible")

"Porus says that there is no better reward for an author than when his book inspires something that makes a difference - and so he has chosen to devote a large part of the CD to TUI. He has visited Church Street several times through the transformation and has literally observed the change stage by stage." - TUI

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

TUI Spotfix - Agony @ Oracle

Location - Near Oracle, in Tavarekere Road

Here's why the cows (& donkeys & dogs) come to Oracle:)
Click here to see more photos of the AGONY near ORACLE and the Preparation Work Done by TUI!

Here is the video of the DUMP in Graphic Detail!

15 Ugly Indians from all over Bangalore spent 3hrs on a Saturday morning to fix this place! Check the video below.

"Most of those who dumped here everyday have stopped - as we met with all of them and they saw us doing the work. TUI has met several cow-owners here. The cows are fed at home and sent out 'for exercise' and also because there is simply no place to keep them 'at home' (which is a narrow street in a congested area of SG Palya). They do NOT survive on the garbage - these are just extras for them. The cows have SEVERAL options in this part of Bangalore- the Dump opp Oracle was just a little snack they enjoyed everyday. Most cows walk several kilomteres everyday doing urban grazing - if TUI fixes one spot, there are several others within walking distance. People also feed the cows leftover food, and most fruit stall owners keep the banana peels for the cows. The cows are smart - the food will reach them somehow. And fyi, there are 6 large dumps on the cows' daily route, and this is the 7th and, for the present, the cows will not overeat."
~ TUI on FB

Photo taken on Friday, Dec 2 2011 at 8am.

Garbage does not come here anymore. It is no longer a pickup point for the BBMP lorry.

 In BBMP lingo, this 'point' has been 'cancelled', and they are happy about it ~ TUI
 Click here for more pictures of Bovine Agony @ Oracle

The Agony At Oracle is finally over! Check the final part of this fix!

The choice of plant was determined by its cow-proof-ness. This is duranta, a common hedge plant - very cheap (Rs 4/sapling) and durable and not eaten by cows. The garden is still there 2 days after planting and after several cow visits. Rats, of course, are the biggest enemy - and without upsetting rat-lovers on this group - we can say that this is one animal that is extremely hard to outwit without using brutal methods (like broken glass and poison). ~ TUI

A press photographer from Udayavani - Kannada newspaper  seems to have sneaked up on some UIs fixing an Ugly Wall on Taverekere Road!

Now, on the opposite side. What's wrong with this picture?
Modern building, wonderful landscaping - but do you find anything wrong or ugly here?

 Check out the video to see what TUI did to this spot!

"There is a Cobbler obstructing the footpath walk,  these are some of the ground realities that armchair theorists never fully appreciate. On the Indian street, one has to 'go with the flow' and carry everyone along. The solutions will never be 100% perfect, and sometimes it is better if they are not, as that may be unsustainable." ~ TUI on FB

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

TUI in News - BBC Radio Interviews An Ugly Indian

"Kaam Chalu Mooh Bandh is our motto, and we always have declined media interviews. However, we agreed to let a TUI volunteer speak to BBC World Service Radio today on strict condition of anonymity. BBC said that the TUI message needs to go out to their global audience, so we broke our 'silence' for this noble cause!" - TUI

You may also be interested to read,

BBC News - 'Ugly Indians clean up Bangalore

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

TUI Spot Fix - Rescuing a Telecom Pillar

Location - Central Bangalore District

To remove posters, first soak the surface in water (use a brush, sponge or a wet cloth).
Let the water soak for about 5 mins. This makes it easier to peel off/brush off the posters.
Buy a putty blade from any hardware store (costs Rs 5). It is the most effective weapon against posters.
And start scraping. It is a laborious job and does damage to the paint surface. The stronger the adhesive used, the longer it takes.

The putty blade helps in removing dried paan stains too

Go to any paint shop, and buy 1 litre of "Smoke Grey" or "Nickel Grey" oil paint. Mix with thinner, and start painting.

We use Asian Paints - it costs about Rs 150 for 1 litre - and that is sufficient for 1 pillar of this size. Thinner costs about Rs 40 and a decent brush about Rs 100.

 the basic cost of materials to transform a pillar of this size is under Rs 300. Sweat and fire-in-belly comes free, of course. And the brush can be reused (if washed and stored properly).
The impact of a fresh coat of paint is quite dramatic.

Simple removing posters will not do. It is not enough of a deterrent for the poster-putter.
The surface needs to look like new, like someone cares about it.


Click here to see in Pictures TUI Spotfixing a Telecom pillar

Here are a few  more pictures of TUI rescuing Telecom Pillars. 
SpotFixing a few BESCOM boxes 

Spotfixing area around BESCOM box

Spotfixing BESCOM box by KC Das Employees

TUI currently has rescued and continues to maintain 30 BESCOM boxes in and around Church St.It takes Rs 300 and 2 hours to fix a Telecom Pillar, Will you try this in your area?

Sunday, November 13, 2011

TUI Birthday & Treasure hunt

The Ugly Indian turned 1 on Sat, Nov 12th 2011! That's 52 weekends of SpotFixing!
They celebrated on Saturday morning  with a Treaure Hunt in the MG Road/Church Street area.

So what was The Ugly Indian Treasure Hunt?
Participants had to take 12 pictures of Ugly Spots on 4kms of footpath in Bangalore's city centre (anywhere on MG Road, Church Street, Brigade Road). The Ugliest pictures win.
The minimum requirement to be eligible for a prize was
- 2 photos of paan stains on walls
- 2 photos of garbage dumped on the road/footpath- 1 photo of a missing/broken Footpath slab
- 1 photo of a man urinating on a wall
- 1 photo of a stinking place where people urinate frequently

Participants had 4 hours to 'inspect' 4 kms of footpath to find this treasure.

Click here for more pictures of the Treasure Hunt

Lest we Forget how the 'Treasure Hunt' was one year ago - in 2010

Take a look at the Treasure Hunt competition Entries!

And the Result??

"The Winner of The Ugly Indian Treasure Hunt is the city of Bangalore/Bengaluru!
It successfully passed the 'Inspection Test' of over 50 meticulous treasure hunters - who spent 2 hours inspecting every inch of footpath.

It's true. Brigade Rd, MG Rd & Church St passed this tough test on Saturday.
- There are no open garbage dumps
- There are no missing footpath slabs
- There is no public urination (as there are WonderLOOs)
- There are no paan stains on walls (people still spit paan but it is directed into the 100+ tereBins available. Any stains that hit a wall are immediately cleaned or painted over by vigilant Ugly Indians).

It's something to be proud of.
TUI will work hard at maintaining it this way.
Yes, there are leakages and you will see the odd paan stain - but they will not survive."


Saturday, November 12, 2011

I Can Spotfix! - Koramangala playground! - A birthday gift

TUI had neglected to maintain the Big Fix we did in the Koramangala Playground 3 months ago (as their focus had  been CBD), but SOMEONE decided to adopt this Spot.

This story exemplifies the 'power of one' person to make a change. This is inspiring for many of us to go out and 'do something'. Even if it is all by ourselves!
READ ON in the links below.
Birthday present for TUI - part 1
Birthday present for TUI - part 2

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

I Can Spotfix! - Tree fix by Aastha

Location - Bangalore

Aastha Sahai  removes ads/posters from about 15 trees/electricity poles near house in Bangalore! Kudos to her!!

TUI Birthday - The First spotfix - what got them Started

TUI approaches its FIRST BIRTHDAY on Nov 12th!
 In their own words here is how or what got them started!!

What really got us started 1 year ago was seeing this Ugly Spot on Church Street.

We could not understand how this was tolerated in the middle of Church Street (right opp Barton Centre, Amoeba, Ruby Tuesday, Saigon, Shrungar Shopping Centre, Indian Coffee House) - and how everyone we asked threw up their hands and said - it has ALWAYS been like this.

We wondered - why isn't someone doing something about it? Doesn't it matter? This is the city's prime restaurant street, for God's sake!

Then we discovered that there were 6 such large open dumps spread across the 1km long Church Street - that had garbage "23x7". And about 5-6 smaller dumps. They were part of the 'system'. The clearing lorry came at 9am everyday (they were prompt), the place remained clean for 1 hour at most, and then dumping began again. This was 'normal'! Everyone played their part - the dumpers and cleaners, and life went on. And nobody was willing to change it.

Church Street is a windy street - so the whole place looks a mess all day.
We felt that if these 6 Dumps were eliminated, the street would become less dirty.

It seemed like commonsense. It would be easy to criticise this 'spot' fixing approach as a 'Band-aid', but we felt that Some aid was better than No aid. How long should we wait for a Miracle Cure - better to start small, apply band-aids and small spotfixes, and improve the overall health of the street


Click here for more Shocking pictures of Ugly Spots on Church Street taken in 2010.

There are 40 Major Ugly Spots, and another 20 minor spots. On a road that is barely 1 kilometre long.

And after the spot fixes this is how one of the spots look today!
Check out the more of TUI spotfix pictures and videos. 
.....more stories will follow with more posts by TUI....

Saturday, October 15, 2011

TUI Spotfix - Metro Station dump on MG Road

Location - MG Road
TUI's  little gift to Bangalore to celebrate the launch of the Metro!
Eliminating this Ugly Spot in front of the MG Road station.



Click here to Read the complete pictorial Story in fixing The Metro Station dump on MG Road and  give your Feedback

"Why do we do what we do?  What's in it for us?'
See this short video of the MG Road Metro SpotFix for the answer." - TUI

"Moral of the Story:

Just because a 'problem' hasn't been solved for 15 years, doesn't mean it cannot be solved.

It needs one person with the right attitude who is determined to see it through till the end. Sometimes it happens in one day, sometimes longer. But no force on earth can stop one person - who is willing to make the solution his/her problem. And approaches it with commonsense.

All other stakeholders rally around such a person.
Everyone is waiting for someone else to step forward and take charge of common problems.

The only rules are:
1. Do not step on anyone's toes.
2. Be sincere and genuine.
3. Make problem-solving the focus - not any ideology.
4. Kaam Chalu Mooh Bandh

Hope you enjoyed the story.

If you feel you can do the same with a spot near your home/office, hope you get some pointers here. "

 - TUI

Monday, October 10, 2011

TUI Spotfix - Despair in Defence Colony

Location - Defence Colony, Indiranagar

Rahul Dravid once played cricket in this very play ground.
TUI says this is one of the most challenging spotfixes they have done, a very complex and tough one, please take a few minutes to watch this 7 part series.

Part 1 in the series

"These are not easy problems to solve. They are in the public space where the 'public' has no formal authority to act. Planning, preparation and trust building with those who could oppose you - is essential." - TUI

Watch part 2 to part 6 on youtube - Despair in Defence Colony

After 15 days of is part 7 in the series

"The Ugly Indian does not talk to the media - so we appreciate articles like these that are based on actual field research and being on the ground during a spotfix." - TUI

Sunday, September 18, 2011

TUI Corporate Spotfix - Nightmare on Museum Road! by CDC Software

Location - Museum Road
TUI pays tribute to Sir M Vishweshwaraih on Engineer's Day. Watch these videos and see how!!.

I Can Spotfix! - Embassy Tranquil, Koramangala

"'The Ugly Indian' is not a formal Team or organisation. Those of us who think we are Ugly Indians get together and fix spots that trouble us. You can do the same - whichever city you are in."" - TUI

Some Koramangala residents decided to SpotFix outside their apartment complex. They say they were inspired by some of the videos posted by the TUI, and wanted to try it out themselves.

 Do you think you can also do what these Koramangala residents did in your own city, locality?

Sunday, September 4, 2011

TUI Spot fix - TUI drops in to Spotfix a Playground in Koramangala!

Location - A Playground in Koramangala

A typical public park-cum-playground. Overgrown untended garden, dirty benches, grimy wall and fallen branches creating 'unseen spaces' beyond. Why do we allow these public assets to degenarate like this?

After the TUI spotfix, see the change. All 4 benches are visible and clean, the garden is neat and the pathway seems inviting. All 4 benches are being used and there is a sense of order. Also, note that there is no garbage - the tereBin is being used. And there is now an incentive for the street sweeper to clean this place - it seems worth the effort.
Click here to see more pictures

Watch how a group of 50 Ugly Indians clean up this playground in 4hrs on a Saturday Morning!

This wall has been fixed now, what would you do with it next?
Watch Part 2 of this Spotfix

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Spotfix 19 - Before and After (Spot Quiz 19) - By Asha & team

Location - Brigade Road

A neglected stretch of road - with expected results. Garbage, debris, urination. The problem is that this is on prime land in the Central Business District (CBD). Why do we tolerate this? It is impossible to walk on this footpath, the stench is unbearable. Pedestrians are forced to walk on the narrow road, where there is heavy traffic.

Ridicule him or pity him?
He is a BMTC bus driver who does the route from Electronic City to city centre. This is the only chance he gets in a 2-hour cycle to relieve himself. And the BMTC or the city does not provide him a decent bathroom.
Over 100 buses stop nearby, and the drivers & conductors have just 5 mins to take a bio-break.
So, should we ridicule him or pity him? Or find a way to provide him dignity with a decent bathroom?

Click here to see more Before Pictures of this Spotfix

Click here to see in Pictures how Asha & team with the help of TUI fixed this spot!

Spotfix on Video - Part 1

Spotfix on Video - Part 2

"People do not pee on walls that look nice and appear to belong to someone. This is ALL about psychology. Physical barriers and signage do not work. If the wall appears neglected, it attracts peeing & garbage. If the wall looks well-painted and there is a sense of order and neatness (and hence lack of privacy), people do not mess it up." - TUI

By cleaning the footpath and painting the wall, the area has attracted regular activity. People walk on the footpath, stand and talk on the phone, come for a smoke - all deterrents to peeing

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Spotfix 20 - Before & After (Spot Quiz 20)

Location - Residency Road, Bishop Cotton School

According to TUI, this was one of their most challenging spot fixes.  Please watch part-15 here and take a little time out to watch the entire 18 part series on Youtube


This garden was created on July 22 2011 - is 80 days old
and doing well.
There are assigned people who maintain the entire place - everyday.

"All spotFixes also involve installing some sort of maintenance." - TUI

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Spotfix 18 - By Students from Seattle in Bangalore

Ugly Indian faces International Competiton :)

Hope this inspires  Indian colleges/companies to do something about their city.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

TUI Spotfix - By KC Das Employees

Location -  KC Das Sweet Shop, MG Road

The staff at the iconic KC Das (Bengali Sweet Shop) report an hour early to work to beautify the street in front of their shop. This Ugly BESCOM electricity box has paint peeling off, is full of ugly posters, and is an attractor of filth

It takes an hour of work - for 6-8 people working in turns to fix such a spot.

Click here to see more pictures of this SpotFix on Facebook and give your Feedback.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Spotfix 16 - Before & After (Spot Quiz 16) - By Orange Resorts County Employees

Location - Brigade Road, the part that links St Joseph's Commerce College/St Patricks Complex to Sholay Circle.

This Ugly stretch of Brigade Road invites garbage, street-side drunks and all forms of filth. The shops have been shuttered for years, and nobody really cares about this long stretch of prime land
 Each of these shuttered shopfronts was a unique mess. Notice a fallen lamp-post in front of the last two shops to the left

 There is a semblance of order now - it almost looks nice!
Interestingly, those who eat their lunch on these steps (and drink their rum) clean up after they go. Magically, this place has remained relatively clean for the past several months.

How's that? Passersby seem to like it,  no paan stains or muck comes here now.

Click here to see more pictures from this Spotifx on Facebook and give your Feedback.

Watch this on Video, Spotfixing by the Employees of Orange County Resorts!

Friday, April 29, 2011

Spotfix 15 - Installing Tere Bins that work!

Can you Spot the terebin? Can you see how clean the footpath is - hundreds of smokers and gutka-consumers congregate at this spot on Shrungar Complex on Church Street - and you can see how civic-conscious they are if they are given a chance

Acceptance by the sweepers is crucial too.
Yengaiah, the BBMP sweeper, single-handedly sweeps all of MG Road every morning from 7-9am. The sample Tere Bins help him save time and effort, as pedestrians have used the Bin rather than thrown their litter about.Here he sweeps the footpath outside Times of India/Wipro office on MG Road ~ TUI
This photo was taken at 7am - all 3 bins are full (of chaicups, gutka packets and cigarette butts). Note that there are no paan stains at the base of the bin - people spit directly inside. The floor looks a bit messy as this is early morning and the wind has been at work all night. These bins get cleared twice a day! ~ TUI
MG Road, Brigade Road and Church Street, St Marks Rd, Lavelle Rd are covered. Each of these spots has been identified based on current littering behaviour and location of litter-generating shops (food stalls, fast food joints, hawkers, cigarette shops) More Terebins are being added to different locations in Bangalore. ( Note - This is a map from june 2011) ~ TUI
"Looking good 24x7 is a crucial part of the design. A dirty looking dustbin just doesn't work. The tereBin actually enhances the look of the street and contributes to a sense of order simply by its presence - and when a tereBin is placed near a dirty old 'animal-shaped-dustbin', it is always used in preference." - TUI

TereBins at Freedom Park

TereBins at Freedom Park - 2

Click here to know how you can adopt a TereBin!

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Spotfix 13 - Before & After (Spot Quiz 13)

Location - This stretch of Magrath Road sees thousands of pedestrians everyday going between Brigade Rd & Garuda Mall.

This place had to be seen and smelt to be believed - this was a typical shot of how it looked for the past several years. This is accumulated assorted muck (human, plastic and other waste) along with a collapsing brick wall that serves as a 50-feet long public urinal

Some Ugly Indians showed up one morning to attack the garbage....
Check out the result ! The best test for a rescued corner is when people stand and linger, smoke/make phone calls.
Click here to see more pictures of this Spotfix on Facebook and give your feedback.

Spotfix 14 - Before & After (Spot Quiz 14)

Location - St.Patrick's Church in Residency Rd

This is the daily scene in front of the historic St Patrick's Church. Built in 1844, it is the spiritual centre for the city's Catholic community. Sadly, there is a civic mess at the main entrance - open dumping, raw meat, overflowing sewage, scavenging animals, an overpowering stench and a total sense of disorder and helplessness. ~ TUI

Now a footpath has been created by TUI, there is a sense of neatness and order, and magically civic behaviour has changed. Garbage is now neatly bagged, the footpath is swept, the plants are watered, people walk safely on the footpath and church-goers were in for a pleasant surprise last Sunday. ~ TUI

 Click here to see more pictures of the Spotfix on Facebook and give your Feedback.