Monday, January 30, 2012

I Can Spotfix! - Public Urinal Fix @Jaipur by SUDI

Location - Jaipur

The Ugly Indian message has spread quite far!
A group called Shut up & Do it  fix a Public Urinal in Jaipur!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Friday, January 27, 2012

I Can Spotfix! - Urinal wall fix @Mission Hospital in Mysore by MYF!

Location - Mission Hospital, Mysore

A group called 'Mysore Youth Forum' spot fix an Ugly Urinal wall in Mysore on Republic day!

Check out this excellent Spotfix video.

"Calling all those from Chennai, Mumbai, Pune, Hyderabad, Delhi, Chandigarh, Goa, Ahmedabad and other cities who have asked TUI to 'start something in their cities'. Follow the example of Mysore - this group (MYF) simply went out and did it. That's all it takes - survey an ugly wall, get a few friends, go to a hardware shop and buy some paint, spades & brooms and simply attack it. What's stopping you? " ~ TUI

Related Reads:

I Can Spotfix! - @KR Hospital, Mysore

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Monday, January 23, 2012

I Can Spotfix! - Spotfixing @Koramangala by Ecofreaks!

Location - Koramangala

Ecofreaks - A group of volunteers spotfix different spots in Koramangala!!

Check below the Before & After pictures of their projects!

Spotfix -1 by Ecofreaks in Koramangala

Spotfix -2 by Ecofreaks in Koramangala

Spotfix - 3 by Ecofreaks in Koramangala

TUI Corporate Spotfix - by Dell Employees

Location - Dell office Building

The Empoloyees of Dell come together to fix up the space outside their office building. Check out the videos.

"Office SpotFix anyone?
If you'd like to do a SpotFix outside your office (with your colleagues), write to us at Only in Bangalore. See how Dell did it." ~ TUI

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

TUI on FB - The Dirty Dozen

TUI asked on Facebook if we can list out at least 12 different items of litter that can be found outside any regular chai-shop/cigarette kiosk ?

TUI calles them - The Dirty Dozen!
The 12 standard types of litter generated at a 'basic' chai-shop/cigarette kiosk. And a few more. Just think about how and when they are generated, and whether a single one-size-fits-all dustbin can work well for each. Any one of these litter types that reaches the footpath gives the impression that the footpath is 'dirty'.  ~ TUI

Apart from the Dirty dozen there were a few more listed by FB users and all of them  are listed below.

Generated by Smoker:
1. Cigarette butt (can set things ...
on fire)
2. Cigarette packet
3. Matchbox
4. Match
5. Plastic chai-cup
6. The little chai left over that drips around (attracts flies, makes things wet & sticky)
7. Mint wrapper
8. Gutkha packet
9. Banana skin

Generated by Shopkeeper:
10. Large cigarette carton (that holds 10-20 packets)
11. Used tea leaves (the water leaks out, can cause rusting of metal parts)
12. Plastic/paper packaging of their cups/sugar/consumables

Other common items (using  chai-shop example)
13. Soft Drink cans (brought outside from canteen by smokers)
14. Juice glasses (brought outside from canteen by smokers)
15. Chewing gum (a nightmare to remove)
16. Bus tickets
17. SPIT (makes the cleaning task unhygienic)
These are just the standard predictable items

And which Dustbin do you think can handle them all??  Ofcourse, it is The TereBin provided by TUI!!