Here is another TUI inspired spotfix.
75 residents of all ages come together to clean up their surroundings in Raheja residency, Koramangala.
The Inside Story from the Raheja Residency SpotFix (as provided by one of the fixers on Facebook):
1. Make a street map
1. Make a street map
2. Check with BBMP Waste Collector which houses don't give him waste
3. Observe thru the day who actually dumps and confirm waste collector info
4. Plan the Fix
5. Go house to house inviting all for the Fix (those who throw and those who dont) - even if they dont turn up, they know something... is a foot
6. Get construction and heavy debris cleared
7. Get masonry work done
8. Do the SpotFix
9. Go house to house and tell them not to throw waste but leave it for morning pick-up
10. Accompany morning pick-up, ring the bell and ask for waste
11. Keep doing till habit in progress yet..time will tell. but can be done
Update : Some residents come together again the following weekend to further improve on the previous spotfix. Take a look and hope this inspires you to do something similar in your neighborhood!
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